The MSI Reports

The Master Sentiment Report is for investors who believe in the theory of contrary opinion and are looking for the best ways to measure and monitor it. We have two Master Sentiment Indicators – the MSI and the ST-MSI. The MSI is long term and looks for the start of bull and bear markets. The ST-MSI is shorter-term and attempts to measures shorter term swings in investor sentiment.
Both the MSI and the ST-MSI are composite indicators made by combining well established sentiment indicators into one. The table on the left contains the nine indicators that make up the MSI. All the indicators are presented and evaluated on the Red-Zone and Green-Zone Sentiment King ranking scale, which is explained in the document, “What is the Master Sentiment Indicator?”
We invite you to download the two PDF documents that explain the theory behind both indicators and how they’re constructed. You can also download a free sample of the weekly report we do based on these indicators.
You can buy the most recent MSI report or subscribe to the report on a monthly subscription with a minimum of two months. The report will be emailed to you every Saturday.
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